Calling Out for Runners
Runners and Marathoners
Busy planning to beat your best performance?
We have you back!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Delivery usually takes 3-5 working days, depending on the shipping company. We do our part in shipping out orders the next working day after order is placed.
If you are an outdoor person, you may engrave contact number and any other important information in case of emergency.
For example:
~ Your Name.
~ Your Medical Conditions.
~ Your Allergies to Food, Insect, Metals, Medication, Etc
~ Engrave Your Medications:
~ Your Emergency Contact Information.
For Team Building, you may enter your team's motto and select the similar SleekTag color.
For children, you may want to engrave parent's or guardian's number.
For elderly, contact information of loved ones.
For keepsake, engrave sweet and memorable information.
....and many more.
Yes, you certainly can! We have customers with special request for korean, chinese, arabic characters. Please send us your preferred special characters and logo (if any) to We will ask for more information before engraving work starts.
Here's a video to help you with it.
Black tag has white laser engraving. It looks really good on any outfit.
Polished tag is mirror light material. Text engraving is black in colour.
Matte tag has steel finishing and it's not reflective. Text engraving is black.
Sleektag Prime/s band is adjustable accordingto your wrist size.
Here's a video on how to adjust silicone band for Prime.